Friday, January 12, 2007

Why PR?

So why do so many women turn to PR as their profession? What does it have to offer, salaries aside, that is so attractive to them?

The most popular assumption is that women are naturally better suited to PR than men because they have better communication skills, are more sympathetic, and are better listeners. It is also believed that women are more creative, practical rather than theoretical, and more attentive to detail. In their book, Wilcox et al. (2003) refer to a number of studies which apparently demonstrate why women are perfect for public relations:

“They display self confidence, assertiveness, risk-taking attitudes, and accountability necessary for business success… The public relations major appeals to many women because it blends creativity and business.”

It almost appears as if women are genetically more suitable for the job! But is this enough to explain why the PR profession has become dominated by them?

A further explanation, mentioned by Greg Smith in his 2005 research into the predominance of women in Australian PR (published in
Behind the Spin magazine’s web log), is that the PR profession has become associated with glamour and parties, and is now perceived as a “soft” career option, which makes it more desirable for potential female entrants. In fact, this was the most popular reason given by the representatives of more than 120 PR firms Smith has surveyed.

One more widespread explanation for the feminization of PR is the flexibility of the industry. The PR profession provides an opportunity for women to have a successful career and express themselves professionally, while still balancing work with family life to a certain degree. The spread of new media technology, in particular, has resulted in the emergence of thousands of freelance practitioners, predominantly female.

Being a female interested in PR, I would say the reasoning behind my choice is probably the feeling that this career is most suitable for my skills and abilities. I like the fact that PR is creative, and I like a challenge. But from personal experience I can say it is probably true that people tend to perceive this industry as a flashy, glamorous and fashionable one. Ever since I started my MA course, I have been asked by a female friend (a business student) whether all the people on my course are really glamorous, and a male friend (a journalism student) inquired whether I chose this career path because of the parties. It is not difficult to work out what kind of view my friends hold of the PR field!

But what do YOU think is the reason for large numbers of women in PR? Have your say!


blee1983 said...

I personally think it has a lot to do with the differences in brain functions between men and women.

I know it seems silly - but books like "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" do make a valid point - we are wired differently. One gender is not better than the other, but a woman is good at multi-tasking and typically is a more sensitie person due to things like estrogen ... our chemical make-up makes women "better" at PR from a natural, scientific view.

The reason for the lack of women in PR in the past is that it is a high-hour, high-demand career that traditionally was not suitable for the woman's domestic role.

Now that women are choosing to be more career-oriented than family-oriented, the rise in women in PR seems natural.

Nicole said...

I do agree that there is a rise of women in the PR industry and I also agree with Meagan about women being wired differently than men. The rise the industry is due to the fact that most women who are married and have families are required to work in today's society. It is almost impossible for a nuclear family to support themselves on one salary alone. This being said, women began working many years ago and when they decided on career options they probably wanted to do something that they felt suited them well. In fact as you point out, women enjoy the creative side of PR.

Anonymous said...

I work as an advertising manager of the magazine in Ukraine and I have to contact big numbers of companies and agenscies every day. What I have noticed is that all the PR executives, PR, advertising and brand managers of the companies positions are held by women.I do not know the situation in other countries, but in Ukraine it can be explained easily. The reason is that women in Ukraine are much more creative, communicative, stylish and good looking than men. And when it goes about the "face" of the company it is obvious that a more pleasant person has to represent it. PR is such an occupation where a person has always to be in public, has to catch clients, to generate ideas and to leave a good impression on other people. No wonder that brighter personalitis are chosen for such activity. And actually women are much more initiative than men over here, so many PR agencies have been organized and started by women. And what about men? They can only be "hidden" behind computers in the IT departments!

Anonymous said...

Women, Men - PR!?
Its more than simple - we not only think through the future perspectives, we as well "feel" or if you wish have the intuition (It has been scientifically proved that women have a much better developed intuition or the so called "6th sense" than men do)which in most cases is followed up by positive results! Enough researches have been held in this particular field and many of them identified men as exact science workers, while women - as creative... It's obvious - women are better in one way, men in another, but one thing is clear - everything is balanced in our World - men and women are not an exception...

Anonymous said...

I work in ukraine as well as Darina, but work in the huge international company. The specific of our company is communication (mobile communications). Naturally, that in this field work mostly men. So our PR team (department out of more than 20 person) are mostly consist of men. PR manager in our company should correctly promote new services, gadgets, etc.(And do not mix up the number of one handset with another).
To my mind PR manager should be not only fascinating and charming, but should be deeply in topic which presents.